“Drinking water” reaction from the main opposition in Arianna Municipality

Western Thrace
Wed, 5 Oct 2022 5:58 GMT
The elected people of Büyük Sirkeli village of Arianna Municipality reacted to the municipal administration due to the drinking water shortage and demanded an urgent solution.
“Drinking water” reaction from the main opposition in Arianna Municipality

The elected people of Büyük Sirkeli village of Arianna Municipality reacted to the municipal administration due to the drinking water shortage and demanded an urgent solution.

The Chairman of the Union List Erdem Hüseyin,  council members Onur Kara İsmail Hasan, Mine Manav İsmail and Ömer Hasan together signed a petition demanding an immediate solution to the drinking water problem of the villagers.

The local administrators, who were disturbed by the frequent malfunctions in the drinking water line and the fact that the village was left without water for hours, conveyed the issue in writing to the mayor, Rıdvan Ahmet.

The opposition leaders announced that if the problem is not solved by the municipality administration, they will solve it by collecting money among themselves.

In his personal social media account Erdem Hüseyin stated:

“As elected local representatives from the village of B.Sirkeli, we have said dozens of times that these valves need to be changed. We conveyed it to the Mayor and every time we got the answer that it will be done.

All we want is for these valves to be changed, and for the entire village to not be cut off for hours in case of an eruption, and only the water of the problematic area to be cut off.

Since the water is cut off during the night, all the village people do not have access to water to meet their basic needs when they wake up in the morning, and they are experiencing great difficulties.

In fact, there was a funeral in our village yesterday and the water was cut off again.

Finally, we did not make this issue a political material and we have always been patient until now. However things will be different from now on. If these valves do not change, we, as the village people, will collect money among ourselves and get these works done.”

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