Staikouras on cooperation between Greece, Bulgaria in transport

The cooperation between Greece and Bulgaria in transport, in the context of the EU's Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) policy, dominated the address given by Greece's Infrastructure and Transport Minister Christos Staikouras on Monday at the Sofia Economic Forum V, organised by the Delphi Economic Forum.
"With the aim of creating a comprehensive and effective European transport network, the TEN-T policy provides a framework for Greece and Bulgaria to work together to achieve their common goals in recent decades. One of the most important aspects of this cooperation is the development of basic European corridors that link the two countries by facilitating the unobstructed connection and transport of goods, services and people," Staikouras said.
The minister referred in detail to the benefits of completing the two European corridors passing through Greece and Bulgaria: the Western Balkans - Eastern Mediterranean corridor and the Baltic Sea, Black Sea and Aegean (BBA).
"Through cooperation we are building a future where our countries will be more connected, the networks and our economies will be more resilient and our societies will be more prosperous. Together we can pave the way for a brighter future where Greece-Bulgaria transport connections act as promoters of innovation, efficiency and sustainability," concluded Staikouras.
On the sidelines of the Forum, Staikouras had a bilateral meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Transport and Communication Minister of Bulgaria Grozdan Karadzhov.