Xanthi Mufti Office and Xanthi Turkish Union organize a “July 15” event
Xanthi Mufti Office and Xanthi Turkish Union are organizing a joint commemoration program for the "July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day of Türkiye".
Xanthi Mufti Office and Xanthi Turkish Union are organizing a joint commemoration program for the "July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day of Türkiye".
Two events organized by Xanthi Turkish Union and Xanthi Mufti Office will be held on the sixth anniversary of the FETO coup attempt on 15 July 2016.
In this context, the first event will be held in Xanthi Turkish Union. On Friday, July 15, at 18:30, the event "July 15 Martyrs' Commemoration Program and Cinevision Screening" will be held in Xanthi Turkish Union.
On the same day, the mawlid-i sharif will be read at the Çınar Mosque in Xanthi Aşağımahalle. The mawlid program, which will be held on Friday, July 15, will begin at 20:00.
In the statement made, it was stated that the entire public was invited to both events.