İskeçe Ova Wrestling Festival successfully held

Western Thrace
Mon, 19 Aug 2024 9:43 GMT
The Ova Wrestling Festival, which was held after a long hiatus in the İskeçe (Xanthi) Ova region, garnered significant attention and was met with great enthusiasm.
İskeçe Ova Wrestling Festival successfully held

On Sunday, August 18th, the First Ova Wrestling Festival took place in the village of Kırköy, located in the İskeçe region. The event was organized by the İskeçe Ova Culture, Solidarity, and Brotherhood Association, and it attracted a large crowd, particularly from the local community.

During the festival, the İskeçe Turkish Union Folk Dance Team and the Komotini Turkish Youth Union Folk Dance Team performed traditional dances. Wrestlers from the Ova region, as well as participants from Serres and Komotini, competed in the oil wrestling matches.

In the final match for the title of Başpehlivan (chief wrestler), Gümülcine's Başpehlivan Niyazi İbiş and his opponent from Serres ended in a draw, marking the fifth time these two wrestlers faced each other without a decisive winner.

The festival, which drew significant interest from the local community, began with the presentation of plaques to the organizations that contributed to the event. The opening speech was delivered by Ömer Muzafferoğlu, President of the İskeçe Ova Culture, Solidarity, and Brotherhood Association.

The event was attended by Deputy Consul Barış Çulha from the Turkish Consulate in Komotini, İskeçe Mufti Mustafa Trampa, İskeçe MPs Hüseyin Zeybek and Burhan Baran, Topiros Mayor Thomas Mihoğlu, İskeçe Turkish Union President Ozan Ahmetoğlu, BAKEŞ President Hüseyin Bostancı, Regional Council Members Fatih İsmailko and Salih Yörük, as well as local administrators, association leaders, and a large number of compatriots.

Participants of the successful Ova Wrestling Festival expressed their gratitude to the organizers from the İskeçe Ova Culture, Solidarity, and Brotherhood Association and emphasized the importance of continuing the event in future years.

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