"Pupil's basket": In force from today 28 August - The products
Development Minister Takis Theodoricakos has asked businesses in the sector not only not to go ahead with price increases, but to reduce their profit margin so that school supplies are cheaper than last year.
What is included in the basket
School bags
Notebooks/blocks (and notebook labels and covers)
Wooden or mechanical pencils
Coloured markers / crayons
Wooden sticks
Rulers (set of geometric instruments)
Photocopying paper
Companies participating in the initiative must include at least one product in the list they send to the Ministry of Development if they have products in this category for sale to consumers. The obligated parties send a list of consumer products to the Ministry of Development on a weekly basis, every Wednesday by 9:00 a.m.
How the public is informed
a) by means of a special sign placed on the products or on the physical or electronic place of sale or on any other means by which the products are advertised to the consumer,
b) by displaying at the entrance of each shop a prominent list/list of the products that make up the household basket and the prices at which the products are offered; and (c) by means of at least one separate point of sale, in a prominent position in the shop, where the products are displayed and made available to the consumer in a grouped manner.
Specific labelling
Information to the consumer on the products participating in the initiative is compulsorily provided: (a) through a special sign placed on the products or on the physical or electronic sales area or on any other means by which the products are advertised to the consumer; (b) by displaying at the entrance of each shop a clear list/list of the products that make up the household basket and the prices at which the products are offered; and (c) through at least one separate point of sale in a prominent position in the shop, in a prominent place in the shop.
What businesses need to know.
Businesses participating in the initiative can access the special label by sending a request to gen-sec@mindev.gov.gr. They must also ensure that the products declared in the list of consumer products sent to the Ministry of Development are in stock in their stores and are available to the consumer without hindrance.
If stocks of a product participating in the initiative are exhausted in one or more stores, businesses must temporarily replace the exhausted product with a corresponding product available at the same or lower price and in the same or larger quantity. If no such product is available in the store, the obligated parties shall ensure that the store in which the product is out of stock is supplied within two days with a sufficient quantity of the out-of-stock product or shall inform the Ministry of Development and Investment and the e-katanalotis digital platform of the permanent replacement of the product in all their stores.
The new product must also be in sufficient supply. Permanent product substitution is allowed only once until the new regular product list submission.