Aeroplane makes forced landing due to passenger's violent behaviour
Wed, 18 Oct 2023 9:05 GMT
An aeroplane carrying out the flight Glaskow-Antalya made a forced landing on Sunday at 22.30 at the Thessaloniki International Airport "Makedonia" due to a passenger's aggressive behaviour.
An aeroplane carrying out the flight Glaskow-Antalya made a forced landing on Sunday at 22.30 at the Thessaloniki International Airport "Makedonia" due to a passenger's aggressive behaviour.
The passenger, a British woman aged 61, who was probably drunk, attacked the crew and hit her face on the seat. Despite the crew's efforts to calm her down, she continued acting violently. Under these circumstances, the pilot asked, for safety reasons, to make a forced landing at the Makedonia airport.
The woman was arrested and led to the prosecutor.