Emergency aid for 800 thousand families: How much will be paid to which households?

As envisaged in the support package targeted to support low-income households, beneficiaries will receive an additional one and a half instalments of the aid.
This assistance is aimed at a large number of citizens, involving more than 800,000 families and more than 1 million family members. The total cost of this emergency aid is 125 million euro.
The immediate instalment will be given on 22 December to beneficiaries of the allowance for the fifth two months of 2023. The A21 application platform, which will be closed for payments, will reopen on 22 December and will remain open until 15 January 2024.
The benefits that families will receive are as follows:
Family with 1 child
105 € up to 10.500 €
10.501 - 17.500 € 63 €
17.501 - 26.250 € 42 €
Family with 2 children
210 € up to 12.000 €
12.001 - 20.000 € 126 €
20.000 - 30.000 € 84 €
Family with 3 children
420 € up to 13.500 €
13.501 € - 22.500 € 252 €
22.500 € - 33.750 € 168 €