The temporary regional committee of SYRIZA-PS in Xanthi appointed

The temporary Regional Committee of SYRIZA-PS in Xanthi has been announced, marking the party's new organizational structure in the area. With Grigoris Stogiannidis as the coordinator and Charoula Giannakidou as the deputy coordinator, the committee is composed of 13 members who will work to strengthen the political action and representation in the region.
The temporary Regional Committee of SYRIZA-PS in Xanthi:
Grigoris Stogiannidis: Coordinator
Charoula Giannakidou: Deputy Coordinator
Kostas Varelas: Member
Katerina Vougiouklis: Member
Andreas Efremidis: Member
Iordanis Efremidis: Member
Rania Babaiti: Member
Georgia Papadimitriou: Member
Nikolas Papadimitriou: Member
Dora Plastira: Member
Michalis Rekaris: Member
Serhan Hamza: Member
Ersi Houhou: Member
As stated in the relevant announcement:
“SYRIZA Progressive Alliance has turned the page.
With the overwhelming participation of left-wing, progressive citizens in the leadership elections, Sokratis Famellos was elected president, marking a strong mandate for the reboot and reorganization of our party, while simultaneously canceling any plans for liquidation and the 'end of SYRIZA.'
SYRIZA-PS in Xanthi is here. We stand firm and commit that, with collectivity and unity, we are building a new relationship with society.
Despite the change in parliamentary alignment due to defections, SYRIZA-PS will remain faithful to the mandate and responsibility received in the national elections and will honor the will and vote of the people. This is our duty towards the citizens and society.
We extend a call to all who believe that SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance is the political answer to confront the Right, as well as the catalyst for the reconstruction of the progressive space and for a progressive governmental response. We invite the broader progressive world to join SYRIZA-PS, to become actively involved, and to co-shape the future, ahead of our upcoming Congress in early spring.
Additionally, we wish everyone a joyful holiday season, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! Let 2025 be a year of social justice, equality, and global peace.”