Mustafçova Youth Association organizes presentation on universities
In the event that took place on Monday, January 30, at the Mustafçova Youth Association, universities and departments were introduced to the youth of Mustafçova.
Cevat Kabza, a graduate of Selçuk University Faculty of Dentistry, and special education teacher Ergül Kurt, a graduate of Trakya University Special Education Teaching Department, introduced Selçuk University Faculty of Dentistry and Trakya University Special Education Teaching departments.
In the introductory seminar, information was given about the relevant faculties and universities. Requirements for university entrance and the ways to be followed, courses taught in the relevant departments and post-graduation work areas were widely introduced, accompanied by presentations. During and at the end of the seminar, students' questions about the topics they were curious about were answered.
Dentist Cevat Kabza, Special Education Teacher Ergül Kurt and Young Muftate Mustafçova officer Hasan Hacıhasanoğlu contributed to the realization of the event.