Tsipras seeks investigation on whether other MPs were monitored

Thu, 1 Sep 2022 5:57 GMT
SYRIZA leader Tsipras asked the Authority for Communications Security and Privacy (ADAE) president to conduct an investigation into “whether there are and, if so how many, political persons, MPs or MEPs that have been under legal surveillance in at least the last two years,”
Tsipras seeks investigation on whether other MPs were monitored

Main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Alexis Tsipras asked the Hellenic Authority for Communications Security and Privacy (ADAE) president to conduct an investigation into “whether there are and, if so how many, political persons, MPs or MEPs that have been under legal surveillance in at least the last two years,” at a meeting he had earlier on Wednesday with the independent authority’s board.

Tsipras underlined in his statements after the meeting that “ADAE constitutes the institutional counterweight in order for the letter of the Constitution to be observed and for citizens to be protected from malicious practices of violation of the Constitutional right to the communications’ privacy”.

The main opposition leader said that “in the recent period we have been faced with an unprecedented post-dictatorship institutional violation, an antidemocratic deviation,” adding that “I am certain that the ADAE president, as well as the authority’s officials, will do their duty. I expect the parliamentary president to do the same,” Tsipras concluded. 


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