Broad Parliamentary majority backs amendment to suspend State funding for 'Spartiates'
Wed, 18 Dec 2024 7:14 GMT
The amendment of the Ministry of Interior, which refers to the conditions and procedure for suspending the funding of political parties, has secured a broad majority in the Hellenic Parliament.

The amendment of the Ministry of Interior, which refers to the conditions and procedure for suspending the funding of political parties, has secured a broad majority in the Hellenic Parliament.
The amendment concerns the definition of electoral state funding of political parties. Also stipulates that funding will be suspended for parties or coalitions whose leader is convicted.
Additionally, the amendment outlines the return of funds if a party fails to participate in an election.
New Democracy, PASOK, SYRIZA, Elliniki Lysi and Nea Aristera declared "yes". KKE and Plefsi Eleftherias declared "present". "No" was declared by "Niki" and "Spartiates".