The protest in Xanthi brings results on its 11th day: No shift education

Western Thrace
Thu, 28 Sep 2023 14:41 GMT
Xanthi Minority Secondary School and High School Board of Councillors and Parent-Teacher Association announced that after a long struggle, the decision for morning education was taken.
The protest in Xanthi brings results on its 11th day: No shift education

Xanthi Minority Secondary School and High School decided to have morning education. The School Administration and the Parent-Teacher Association finally got an answer to their demands!

Xanthi Minority Secondary School and High School Board of Councillors and Parent-Teacher Association announced that after a long struggle, the decision for morning education was taken. Here are the details

Reasonable Conclusion: No shift education
According to the statement made, the issue of shift education, which has been on the agenda since the opening day of the school, has reached a reasonable conclusion after about two weeks of effort. The Board of Councillors and the PTA held a series of meetings with the authorised units during this process.

Students will attend school in the morning
After the negotiations, the Directorate of Secondary Education responded positively to the requests of the Parent-Teacher Association and the Board of Councillors and decided that all students would attend school as morning students this year.

"Thanks to everyone for their support"
The Xanthi Minority Secondary School and High School Board of Councillors and Parent-Teacher Association thanked everyone for their support during this process. In particular, the President of the Eastern Macedonia-Thrace Region Christos Metios, the ruling and opposition candidates, MPs, Mustafa Trampa, Mufti of Xanthi, and the heads of the Turkish Minority organisations were thanked. The biggest thanks were given to the students and parents.

"We wish a successful year with our parents and students"
Finally, the Xanthi Minority Secondary School and High School Board of Councillors and Parent-Teacher Association stressed that every problem can be solved with dialogue and wisdom and wished that the new academic year would bring success to all students.

The Board of Councillors and the Parent-Teacher Association of the Xanthi Minority Secondary School and High School shared the following statements on social media

"Dear parents,
The struggle we have been waging for about two weeks on the issue of shift education, which has been on the agenda since the first day of the opening of our school, has been concluded in a reasonable way as of today. In this process, many meetings were held with all authorised units. As a result of the negotiations, common sense prevailed and the Directorate of Secondary Education sent a letter to our school in response to the requests of the Parent-Teacher Association and the Board of Councillors, stating that it has been decided that all our students will attend school as morning students this year.

As the Xanthi Minority Secondary School and High School Board of Councillors and Parent-Teacher Association, we would like to thank all the authorities who patiently listened to us during this process, listened to our requests and ultimately led to such a decision.

In this process, we would also like to thank especially the President of the Eastern Macedonia-Thrace Region, Mr Hristos Metios and his colleagues, and the candidates of the government and the opposition who have always stood by us.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to our Mufti of Xanthi Mustafa Trampa, our MPs Hüseyin Zeybek, Burhan Baran and Özgür Ferhat, the heads and managers of the Turkish Minority organisations and the staff of the Mufti's Office of Xanthi who have stood by us throughout our struggle.

The biggest thank is of course for our parents and children who have been with us from the first day and have shown the greatest patience in this process.

Finally, we would like to state that as long as dialogue and common sense prevail, there is no problem that cannot be solved.

We wish the academic year to be auspicious once again and hope that our children will have a successful year."

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Address: Miaouli 7-9, Xanthi 67100, GREECE.
Tel: +30 25410 77968.