Deputy Zeybek asks once more for the minority school

Xanthi Deputy Hüseyin Zeybek once again brought up the building problem of Xanthi Minority Secondary and High School with a parliamentary question.
Zeybek once again emphasized that the current building of the school is a 19th century tobacco warehouse and there are not enough classrooms for the number of students in the parliamentary question he submitted to the Ministries of Education and Religious Affairs, Internal Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure.
Zeybek underlined that the problem of the building of the school was also included in the Decision of the Inter-Party Committee for the Development of Thrace and was on the agenda.
The parliamentary question presented by Deputy Zeybek is as follows:
“After repeated questions and interventions to the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs regarding the building problem and physical conditions of Xanthi Minor Secondary School High School, we are bringing the issue to the agenda again as the school's need for a new building is more necessary than ever before.
More than 100 new students were enrolled in the said school in the new academic year; in this case the number of students has exceeded 600. In recent years, the school has been applying compulsory shift education in the morning and afternoon. The inadequacy of the building in terms of both school and classroom cannot meet the needs, such primitive education conditions are conditions that we definitely do not encounter in other European countries.
It should be emphasized again that Xanthi Minority Secondary School was established in 1965. From 1968 until today, the building on Hatzistavrou 10 Street is still being used for this purpose. The 19th-century building functioned first as a tobacco store and later as a Girls' High School.
In addition to the old and dangerous school building, it is not suitable for education and training, and the laboratory rooms that are needed are not suitable as infrastructure for areas such as the school garden. Since 2017, an additional building has been operating on the same street by the decision of the SIRIZA Government. These new classrooms were set up to meet the needs of the school and not have to work two shifts (morning and afternoon).
Due to the insufficient number of classrooms since 2019, the New Democracy government has made a new decision and envisaged that the school will return to shift education again.
But the coronavirus pandemic, which prohibits students from crowding into a few square metres, has made demand for new safe school construction a necessity. However, a 19th century building is not suitable for physical conditions, cannot provide an environment suitable for educational conditions, and there are serious security problems.
For this reason, the school committee applied to the Xanthi Municipality to approve the placement of prokat classrooms in the annex building of Minority Secondary-High School as a temporary solution. However, Xanthi Municipality refused the request without giving any reason.
Xanthi Municipality refused the request without giving any reason.
The problem of needing a new building for Xanthi Minority Secondary School High School was brought to the agenda by emphasizing in the Decision of the Inter-Party Committee for the Development of Thrace, in the final declaration submitted by both the SIRIZA party and the New Democracy party.
• Since the 19th century building is still used as a school building, it is not suitable for educational conditions in general terms, as it has a small school garden, for example.
• Since the classrooms are overcrowded with insufficient class sizes, it has become necessary to protect the student population, especially in the difficult conditions experienced due to the coronavirus pandemic.
• Since Xanthi Minority Secondary High School is the only minority secondary school in the region, the right to choose a school should be ensured and the education of minority students should be supported.
Relevant Ministers are asked:
1. What are your plans to ensure the smooth functioning of Xanthi Minority Secondary High School and relieve the student population?
2. Do you intend to initiate the necessary procedures for the construction of a new school building that will accommodate the Xanthi Minor Secondary High School?
3. How do you plan to protect students from both the old school building and the pandemic conditions?
4. Are you considering placing a spare Prokat classroom or allocating a new building in the annex building of Minority Secondary School High School as a temporary solution?