EMT Region the third poorest in Greece

Western Thrace
Wed, 14 Feb 2024 10:09 GMT
According to the data on GDP per capita for 2021 released by ELSTAT a few days ago, the EMT ranked third from last.
EMT Region the third poorest in Greece

The region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace has over the last couple of years been ranked third from the bottom in terms of GDP per capita. However, the gap with the GDP per capita in Europe is huge.

While the GDP per capita in the 27 member states of the European Union exceeded 28,000 euros, the GDP per capita of the inhabitants of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace only exceeded 12,000 euros in 2021.

According to these results, the DMT, which has been in last place in terms of GDP for many years, is no longer in last place and shares the last three places with the North Aegean and Epirus regions.

According to these results, Epirus is the poorest region in Greece. The North Aegean ranked second to last and the DMT third to last.

These data are GDP data for 2021 and are taken from the ELSTAT report published on 31 January 2024.

In recent years, and especially between 2015 and 2017, the DMT has had the lowest GDP per capita among the 13 regions in Greece. European surveys have also ranked the region among the poorest in Europe.

In 2015, GDP per capita in the DMT region stood at 11,164 euros.

11,432 euros in 2016, 11,539 euros in 2017. Then 11,446 in 2018, 11,585 in 2019 and in 2020 there was a big drop, apparently due to covid.

Eurostat: Greece ranks penultimate in GDP per capita

Greece ranks last in Europe in terms of GDP per capita for 2022.

According to new Eurostat data, Greece ranks at the bottom of the EU in terms of citizens' incomes.

Greece ranked second to last in Europe, especially in terms of GDP per capita for 2022, 33 per cent below the European average.

In 2022, as in 2020 and 2021, Luxembourg and Ireland recorded the highest GDP per capita, 156% and 135% above the EU average, respectively.

Luxembourg and Ireland were followed by Denmark (36 per cent above the EU average), the Netherlands (30 per cent above), Austria (24 per cent above) and Belgium (20 per cent above).

Greece also had a negative ranking in individual consumption (AIC) in 2022, ranking 25th in Europe together with Estonia and 22 per cent below the European average.

The lowest individual AIC consumption was recorded in Bulgaria (31 per cent below the EU average), Hungary (29 per cent below), Croatia and Latvia (both 24 per cent below), Slovakia (23 per cent below) and Greece and Estonia (22 per cent below).

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