Prosecution brings criminal charges against ten arrested for terrorist activities
The Athens Prosecutor's Office on Wednesday charged ten people arrested in connection with the 'Simpraxi Ekdikisis' group with six crimes and five misdemeanors.
The ten charged, four of whom are prisoners, are being prosecuted on a case-by-case basis for the following offences:
- Directing, recruiting and forming a criminal organization
- Terrorist act of attempted homicide
- Terrorist act of explosion continuously carried out and attempted
- Terrorist act of manufacture, possession and supply of explosives
- Terrorist act of possession of arms and
- Terrorist act of physical damage.
The prosecution also concerns the misdemeanors of support to a terrorist organization, incitement to commit terrorist acts, illegal violence against judiciary officials, illegal possession of a hunting weapon and illegal possession of drugs for own use.
The accused were referred to an investigating judge, and following a request were granted the date of Sunday (March 3) to testify.