AADE launches new tool to combat tax evasion
The Independent Public Revenue Authority (AADE) will activate a new tool against tax evasion, including sweeping cross-checks of tax information and data to identify undeclared income.
This is a new digital unit that will leverage, with the use of artificial intelligence, all tax data pools, including digital tax systems, social media and the internet.
The goal of AADE is for the new unit to work in combination with all the "tools" of the tax administration, such as electronic books (myDATA), the appodixi application, the interconnection of POS with cash registers and also the platforms for citizens' complaints in order to strengthen the possibilities of finding incomes that are not declared to the Tax Office or taxes that are not paid.
Cross-chacking will include:
- The control of the data declared by property owners active in short-term leases.
- The detection of suspicious transactions through the development of statistical methodology.
- The disclosure of undeclared real estate purchases and sales through the available data.
- The utilization of the data resulting from the electronic books (myDATA) and concerning zero VAT declarations.
- Cross-checking the declared gross revenues of the hotels with the data obtained from the Booking platform.
- The search for taxpayer transaction details from foreign payment services.