Tips for a healthy and balanced diet in summer from dietician Ümran Eblük

Western Thrace
Sat, 29 Jun 2024 9:31 GMT
Expert Dietician Ümran Eblük from Xanthi gave a special interview to MİLLET NEWSPAPER and answered the questions about healthy and balanced nutrition in the summer months.
Tips for a healthy and balanced diet in summer from dietician Ümran Eblük

Summer months require us to reconsider our eating habits with increasing temperatures. Nutrition is of great importance for our body to adapt to hot weather, to maintain our energy levels and to maintain our general health.

In this context, Expert Dietician Ümran Eblük from Xanthi answered the questions about healthy and balanced nutrition in the summer months in an exclusive interview with MİLLET NEWSPAPER. Eblük shared many important information with us, from how we should eat in hot weather to the points we should pay attention to.

Here are the things we need to know and the suggestions we should apply to stay healthy in the summer season...

Expert Dietician Ümran Eblük from Xanthi answered the questions of MİLLET NEWSPAPER:

MILLET: How should people eat in these days of scorching heat?

It is important to pay attention to your eating habits both to protect your health and to reduce the effect of the heat. Here are some of my suggestions about nutrition during these periods:

In order to maintain the body's fluid balance, we need to take care to consume at least 2-2.5 litres of water a day.

Paying attention to water-containing foods, fruits and vegetables will help you keep the water ratio high. Foods with high water content such as cucumber, watermelon and melon should be consumed.

Make light and refreshing salads. For example, salads with greens and plenty of vegetables.
Consume yoghurt and buttermilk with cooling and nutritious properties.

Eat potassium-rich foods such as bananas, avocados and yoghurt to balance the electrolytes lost through sweat in the heat.

MILLET: Which foods to avoid and why?

Avoid heavy and fatty foods. Food that is difficult to digest can increase body temperature.
Choose grilled or steamed instead of fried.

Eat smaller and frequent meals instead of large portions. This facilitates digestion and does not increase body temperature too much.

Sugary drinks can dehydrate the body. Drink water, fresh fruit juices or herbal teas instead.

MILLET: What should children, elderly and sick people pay attention to and how should they eat?

The points I mentioned in the first question should be taken into consideration;

Light meals such as refreshing salads, yoghurt and fruit smoothies can be prepared for children. Daily meals should be given in small portions and at frequent intervals.

For the elderly, vegetables and fruits with high fibre and water content should be consumed. Fibre foods are important to prevent constipation. Fatty and heavy foods should be avoided and boiled or steamed foods should be preferred.

For patients, nutrition programmes suitable for their diseases should be arranged. Patients should eat a sufficient and balanced diet to meet their energy needs. Protein, carbohydrate and fat balance should be ensured.

MILLET: Should sports and workouts be done in summer? At what times, under what conditions and what should be considered?

It is possible to do sports and workouts in summer, but care should be taken to protect against the effects of hot weather. 

At which hours should sports be done?

The best times for exercise are early morning (between 6-8 am) on an empty stomach without eating anything or late evening (between 19-21 pm). At these times, the air is cooler and the effect of the sun is less.

Under which conditions should sports be done?

If possible, exercise in shady and cool areas, parks or wooded areas.
Indoor and well-ventilated gyms are also preferable.

Light, breathable, sweat-absorbing and light-coloured clothes should be worn.
Hats and sunglasses should be worn to protect from the sun.

When exercising outdoors, it is good to use sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun.
What should be considered?

Drink plenty of water before, during and after exercise.

Pay attention to symptoms of heat stroke such as dizziness, nausea, excessive sweating and headache.
Eat balanced and light foods before and after exercise. Especially prefer fruits and vegetables with high water content and foods containing a balance of protein and carbohydrates.

In summer, you can choose to swim in the pool or sea.

Lower intensity exercises such as yoga and pilates can also be a good alternative in hot weather.

MILLLET: One of the most important problems of our age is obesity. What causes obesity? How should we avoid it?

If we talk about the factors that cause obesity;

Excessive consumption of high-calorie, low-nutrient foods (fast food, junk food, sugary drinks).
Inadequate consumption of fibre-rich vegetables and fruit. Excessive consumption of foods with high fat and sugar content.

Long periods of time spent at desk jobs, in front of the television and computer. Lack of regular exercise.
Genetic predisposition may cause some individuals to be more prone to weight gain. The risk is higher in people with a family history of obesity.

Hormone imbalances (for example, thyroid problems) can cause weight gain. Conditions such as metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance can make weight control difficult.

Easy access to unhealthy foods. Cultural and social situations that encourage unhealthy eating habits.
Ways to avoid obesity;

Choose foods with high nutritional value and low calories. Consume vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean protein sources and healthy fats.

Avoid sugary drinks and junk food. Prefer water, herbal teas and freshly squeezed fruit juices.
Pay attention to portion control. Eat slowly and listen to saturation signals.

We need to make regular physical activity such as sports a part of our lives.

Since stress management is directly related to nutrition, seek help from a therapist or counsellor if necessary. Identify emotional eating habits and find solutions.

Adequate and quality sleep is an important factor in weight control. Sleep 7-9 hours a day. Maintain your sleep patterns. Take care to go to sleep and wake up at the same time.

Join social groups that promote a healthy lifestyle.

It is important to take these measures to avoid obesity, adopt a healthy lifestyle and maintain these habits continuously. 

MILLET: One of the most important trends of the century is ready-to-order food, what should we look out for?

Ready-to-order food has become an indispensable part of modern life. However, it is important to remember that this type of food can threaten a healthy and balanced diet. Here are some important points to consider when consuming ready-to-order food:

Opt for healthier options on restaurant menus. Grilled, boiled or steamed foods are healthier than fried foods.

Try to eat plenty of vegetables and salads with your main course.

The portions of the food you order can often be large. You can divide the portion and spread it over several meals or share it with your family.

Eat your food slowly and pay attention to saturation signals. Focus on filling your stomach, not your eyes.
Choose low-calorie and nutritious options.

Avoid foods high in salt and sugar. Be especially careful with products such as sauces, ketchup and mayonnaise.

Avoid high-sugar drinks such as cola and soda. Instead, freshly squeezed fruit juice, herbal tea or buttermilk may be preferred.

Prefer dishes cooked with less oil.

Make sure the restaurant uses fresh and healthy ingredients.

Avoid high-calorie and fatty additions such as extra cheese, cream, sauces. It may be healthier to consume meals plain. Use healthier alternatives such as olive oil and lemon.

Consider the balance of protein, carbohydrate and fat in your orders. Make sure you have enough of all three food groups for a balanced meal.

Use ready meals as an option for special occasions or busy times.

These precautions will help you maintain a healthy and balanced diet when eating takeaway food. Adopting healthy eating habits will improve your overall health in the long term and reduce the risk of obesity.

MILLET: What advice would you give to parents about proper, balanced and healthy nutrition for their children?

It is very important for parents to provide their children with proper, balanced and healthy eating habits for their healthy growth and development.  Consistent and conscious behaviour of parents plays a critical role in children's adoption of healthy eating habits.

Ensure that children consume foods from various food groups, i.e. vegetables, fruits, protein sources and dairy products.

Present meals with fun presentations. Cut vegetables into different shapes, present food on cute plates.
Build the habit of eating together. Family meals promote healthy eating and strengthen social bonds.
Choose healthy snacks such as fruit slices, yoghurt, nuts and walnuts. Avoid processed and sugary snacks. Offer healthy alternatives made at home.

Involve children in the food preparation process. This helps them learn about food and develop an interest in food. Try not to skip meals and set regular mealtimes.

Children imitate their parents' eating habits. Be an example of healthy eating.

Offer portions suitable for children's age and needs. Avoid excessively large portions. Help children recognise saturation signals. Do not force them to eat.

Ensure that children drink enough water. Water is a healthy beverage choice. Choose water or milk instead of fruit juice, fizzy drinks and sugary drinks.

Teach children to eat slowly. Give them time to enjoy their meal and realise when they are full. Avoid using the television, tablet or phone during meals. Avoid distractions.

Give children information about foods and their nutritional value. Explain why healthy foods are important. Reinforce the topic of healthy eating with educational games and activities.

MILLET: Finally, can you list 5 important rules for a healthy and balanced diet during the hot summer months? What are your recommendations?

5 important rules for a healthy and balanced diet in hot summer months

  1. We drink plenty of water and do not neglect our water.
  2. We prefer light and refreshing foods.
  3. We prefer balanced and definitely small portions.
  4. We avoid sugary drinks such as carbonated drinks, ready-made fruit juices as they can increase the body's need for water and excess salt consumption can lead to water retention and bloating in the body.
  5. Avoid heavy cooking methods such as frying. Instead, prefer healthier cooking methods such as grilling, boiling, steaming.

My recommendations

  1. Include plenty of fruit and vegetables in your daily diet. Especially consume foods with high water content such as watermelon, melon, strawberry, cucumber and tomato.
  2. To increase your water consumption, add mint leaves, lemon slices or fruit slices to your water to add flavour.
  3. Avoid heavy meals during the hottest hours, shift the main meals to cooler times in the early morning or evening.
  4. Consume balanced protein sources.
  5. Keep your blood sugar in balance by planning balanced and healthy snacks.

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Address: Miaouli 7-9, Xanthi 67100, GREECE.
Tel: +30 25410 77968.