One year since the devastating fire in Rodopi
The fire resulted in the destruction of homes—thankfully, only a few—along with burned orchards, livestock, and beehives. The winter rains that followed turned the area into rivers of mud, threatening homes and people.
The Rodopi Forest Service immediately conducted a study on what was needed to protect the area from flooding. However, as reported, the necessary funding was not provided in time, the required works were not carried out, and although efforts such as log barriers and dams are currently underway, residents claim they are not being done with the required care.
Regarding compensation for the burned homes, crops, and animals, the affected residents report that only an initial payment has been made, and the second phase of compensation has not progressed. Those with damaged homes marked for repair (yellow-tagged) have been waiting for eight months for the relevant committee to arrive and inspect the files, a necessary step for moving forward with the second phase of compensation.
The residents have formed a committee to advocate for their cause, contacting local MPs, sending numerous documents, and engaging in electronic correspondence. Despite these efforts, the processes have not advanced, leaving the affected individuals feeling desperate.