SYRIZA Political Secretariat: 'No tolerance to illegal actions, wherever they come from'

SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance Deputy Pavlos Polakis presented data he said proved that Stefanos Kasselakis' source of wealth statement (pothen esches) was false, during an urgent meeting of the Political Secretariat called on Thursday, a day ahead of the party congress opening.
Polakis, one of the candidates for the party's leadership, claimed that because of the data he presented, Kasselakis should not be included in the list of candidates since he did not disclose his entire assets, and since he is still involved in offshore companies.
Before the meeting was called, Kasselakis had called on SYRIZA through a social media post to announce the number of voting members of the congress, which opens at 6:30 on Friday, which will vote for the next party leader.
Following discussion, the Political Secretariat said in a statement that the party "will continue steadfastly to defend transparency and the public interest, and will show no tolerance to illegal actions, wherever they come from, without party discrimination."
It should be noted that the pothen esches statement is a party obligation, but it is not up to SYRIZA to check its validity. The responsibility for that lies with Parliament services, since the statement was filed when Kasselakis was leader of SYRIZA.
Of Political Secretariat members, Theodora Tzakri did not vote for the statement, Olympia Teligioridou gave a blank vote, while Nikos Skorinis approved it but with reservations as to its legal validity.