Road inspections begin: Which drivers is the traffic police targeting?
Speed Checks and Objectives
Starting from August 5th, the speed checks initiated by Roadpol have also commenced in our country and will continue until Sunday night (August 11th). The primary goal of these intensive checks, which involve multiple European countries, is to decrease the number of traffic accidents.
Purpose of Speed Checks
During the summer period, these extensive controls will see an increase in speed radars on roads across European countries, aiming to prevent drivers from speeding. Speeding is considered one of the most fundamental causes of traffic accidents, thus necessitating such measures.
Participation and Number of Checks
According to foreign media sources, approximately 15,000 police officers are participating in this campaign across Europe, with an average of over 3 million vehicles being checked. In a similar summer campaign conducted last year, over 650,000 speed violations were detected across Europe.
Reactions and Opinions
Traffic police emphasize the importance of this campaign in raising driver awareness. However, some individuals believe that this campaign alone may not be sufficient to prevent speed violations in the long term and suggest that different measures and initiatives are necessary.
While these campaigns aim to create a safer environment on the roads by preventing speeding, additional strategies may be required for long-term, sustainable solutions.