Ramadan: First Taraweeh prayers performed

Mon, 11 Mar 2024 9:50 GMT
After the prayers, Muslims filled the mosques and prayed for the peace and prosperity of Muslims suffering in different parts of the Islamic world.
Ramadan: First Taraweeh prayers performed

In Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, the first tarawih prayer of Ramadan was performed.

Citizens who went to mosques in the city started to experience the enthusiasm of Ramadan with the first tarawih prayer. The first tarawih prayer of Ramadan was performed in Baku Turkish Martyrdom Mosque.

Azerbaijanis, who filled the mosques, prayed for the peace and prosperity of Muslims suffering in different parts of the Islamic world after the prayer.


Muslims, who stood in line for tarawih in mosques in all cities of the TRNC, especially in the capital Nicosia, prayed for the month of Ramadan to be auspicious after the prayer.

After the tarawih prayers at Osman Fazıl Polat Pasha Mosque in Famagusta, the congregation condemned Israel's massacres in Gaza and prayed for the Palestinians who lost their lives in the attacks.

TRNC Head of Religious Affairs Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ünsal, in his message published on the occasion of Ramadan, stated that in this blessed month, in addition to fasting, it is necessary to read the Holy Qur'an in abundance, to extend a helping hand to the needy, to strengthen the feelings of brotherhood and to make the poor happy.

In his message, Ünsal asked the citizens to pray for all the oppressed people, especially Gaza, in Ramadan and said, "On this occasion, I congratulate all our people on the month of Ramadan, and I pray to Allah Almighty to reach the feast safely and with abundant spiritual gains."


In the capital Tashkent, Muslims lined up for tarawih in mosques across the city, especially in Hazret Imam, Minar, Sheikh Zayniddin, Mirza Yusuf, Khoja Alambardar, Kamalan and Islam Ata mosques.

After the prayers, Muslims filled the mosques and prayed for the blessings of Ramadan.

Meanwhile, in major cities of the country, the streets where mosques where Taraweeh prayers are held were temporarily closed in the evening hours to ensure traffic safety.

Officials of the Religious Administration of Muslims of Uzbekistan had previously announced that tarawih would be performed in nearly 2,200 mosques across the country during Ramadan, and khatim would be performed in more than 1500 mosques.


With the beginning of Ramadan, Muslims filled the mosque and listened to the sermon of the country's mufti Abdulaziz Zakirov.

With the call to prayer, Isha and Tarawih prayers were performed in two hours.

Abdullah Akparali Uulu, imam of the mosque, told AA correspondent, "The joy of Ramadan has come. May Allah accept the wishes of all Muslims."

Uulu from Akpara wished all Muslims of the world peace and prosperity in their countries.

In more than 2 thousand mosques in Kyrgyzstan, iftar tables will be opened during Ramadan and teravihs will be performed with hatim.

Balkan countries

In Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Muslims filled many mosques in the city, especially the historical Gazi Husrev Bey Mosque, to perform the first tarawih prayer.

In Sarajevo, the places where the historical Bazaar is located were decorated with moon and crescent lights.

While Tarawih prayers were held in the Bayraklı Mosque, the only mosque in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, the first Tarawih prayers were held in the mosques in the Sandzak region, where the Bosniak population in the country is densely populated.

The historic Mustafa Pasha Mosque in Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia, was filled with Muslims coming to perform the first taraweeh prayer of Ramadan. Due to the fullness of the mosque, some Muslims performed the tarawih prayer outside.

Muslims in Tirana, the capital of Albania, also came to the Dine Hoxha Mosque for the first tarawih. Muslims filled mosques across the country as well as mosques in Tirana.

In Pristina, the capital of Kosovo, Muslims stood in line at the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Mosque. In the city of Prizren in the south of the country, Muslims filled the Sinan Pasha Mosque as well as other mosques in the city.

In Montenegro, Muslims who wanted to perform their first taraweeh in mosques in the capital Podgorica and other cities came together.

The mosque, which bears the same name as Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, was filled with people who came to perform the first taraweeh prayer, and prayers were offered after the prayer.


As there is no central mosque in the Greek capital Athens, which does not allow a large number of Muslims to worship together, the faithful performed the first taraweeh in different places used as masjids.

Greece, which has been criticised for years as the only capital of Europe without a mosque, opened a so-called mosque in the Votanikos district of Athens to appease the reactions, but it is far from meeting the needs in terms of space and capacity.

The Greek administration, which opened a mosque in an old military warehouse after a little renovation and opened it with a board of trustees consisting of Christians, continues to attract reaction.

Western Thrace Muslim Turkish Minority community, whose rights have been violated by Greece for years, performed the first taraweeh of Ramadan in Xanthi, Komotini and Alexandroupoli regions. While the mosques were filled with enthusiasm during the first taraweeh of Ramadan, prayers were made for Muslims and innocent people who are under persecution in different parts of the world, especially in Gaza.


A large number of Muslims stood in line for the first taraweeh in the Great Nur Mosque in Kirkuk's Baghdad Road neighbourhood and the Hunter Mosque in Musalla neighbourhood.

The congregation prayed for stability and peace to come to Iraq as soon as possible after taraweeh.

Ahmed Khurshid, Imam Khatib of the Great Nur Mosque, congratulated the entire Islamic world on the month of Ramadan and prayed for peace and tranquility in Iraq, which has been the scene of war, terrorism and internal conflicts for years.


Hundreds of thousands of people living in Idlib, Afrin, Bab, Jarabulus, Azaz, Cobanbey, Tel Abyad and Ras al-Ayn flocked to mosques.

Many people filled the mosques to perform the first Taraweeh prayer.

The Holy Qur'an was recited in mosques before Tarawih due to the beginning of Ramadan.

After the Taraweeh prayers, prayers were made for the end of the civil war in Syria and for the Islamic world, wishing peace and tranquility to come to the country.


Muslims in the capital Moscow filled the Moscow Central Mosque and other mosques due to the beginning of Ramadan. The first tarawih prayer of Ramadan was performed in mosques.

After the prayer, prayers were made for the whole Islamic world.

In other regions of the Russian Federation, tarawih prayers were also held in cities with a large Muslim population.


In Cologne, Religious Affairs President Muharrem Kuzey gave a sermon before the first tarawih prayer at the Cologne Central Mosque of the Turkish Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DITIB).

After praying Isha and Tarawih prayers, Muslims prayed for the blessed month of Ramadan to bring peace, tranquility and prosperity to all humanity, especially the Islamic world.

Religious Affairs President Kuzey published a written message on the occasion of Ramadan, the sultan of 11 months.

In his message, Kuzey said, "Ramadan is a season of mercy that disciplines our will, strengthens our individual and social sensitivity, and beautifies our lives with the beautiful teachings it brings with it. Ramadan is always pleasant. Our wish from our Almighty Lord is to find us pleasant, to make our lives pleasant and to leave us pleasant."

Stating that spiritual feelings are experienced intensely during Ramadan, Kuzey said:

"We try to fast not only with our stomach but also with our hands, feet, eyes and ears. We endeavour to keep our tongues from lying, backbiting and slander, our eyes from looking at forbidden things, our hands from sinning, and our feet from going astray. In this blessed month when the Holy Qur'an begins to descend, we aim to bring the Holy Qur'an into our lives. We communicate with our creator both through individual readings and by participating in collective mukabele programmes in mosques. Perhaps we realise the value of time in this month when we look at the clock the most. Whether we are hungry or thirsty, we do not forget our promise to our Lord and fulfil the necessity of our submission to Almighty Allah, the Lord of bread and water."


Muslims across the country showed great interest in mosques to attend the first taraweeh.

Turks living in Geneva performed the tarawih prayer at the Mosque of the Muslim Community Foundation.

Muslims, who stood in line for Isha and Taraweeh prayers, prayed for the blessed Ramadan to bring peace to the Islamic world and the world.

Muslims also prayed for Gaza, which is under intense Israeli attacks.


Muslims gathered in Times Square, one of the symbols of New York, the largest city of the USA, performed the first tarawih prayer of Ramadan.

With the beginning of Ramadan, millions of Muslims living in the USA flocked to mosques and masjids in their regions for tarawih prayers.

Thousands of Muslims gathered in Times Square, one of the most important symbols of New York, and performed the first taraweeh prayer of Ramadan together. After the prayer, prayers were offered for Gaza.

On the other hand, the first taraweeh of Ramadan was performed at the American Religious Centre, which is half an hour away from the capital Washington. The outer courtyard and garden of the mosque were filled with the congregation in the first taraweeh, where a dense crowd came together.

After the prayer, prayers were made for all Muslims, especially for Gaza.

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