Xanthi Turkish Union's 41 years of legal struggle discusssed at Trakya University
The legal struggle of the Turkish Union of Xanthi (ITB) for 41 years was discussed in a panel organised in Edirne.
The panel on "Legal Struggle of Xanthi Turkish Union in its 41st Year" organised by Trakya University Balkan Research Institute was held on 9 May Thursday at Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Conference Hall of Faculty of Pharmacy.
The panel was moderated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Hüseyinoğlu with the participation of Xanthi Turkish Union (İTB) President Ozan Ahmetoğlu and XTU Legal Advisor Ahmet Kara as speakers.
Utku Kırlıdökme, Lecturer at the Department of Balkan Politics and International Relations, Balkan Research Institute of Trakya University, was the presenter of the panel.
The panel started with the opening speech of Prof. Dr. İbrahim Kelağa Ahmet, Director of the Balkan Research Institute. After the screening of a part of the documentary film about the legal struggle of XTU, the speakers took the floor.
Xanthi Turkish Union President Ozan Ahmetoğlu, explained the association's 41-year struggle for rights. Ahmetoğlu emphasised that Xanthi Turkish Union’s struggle for rights against the decisions taken by Greece continues in its 41st year.
Ahmetoğlu reminded that XTU, founded in 1927, was the first Turkish non-governmental organisation in Western Thrace.
Noting that XTU, where young people come together and carry out football, folk dances and theatre activities, is the cornerstone that keeps the Turkish culture alive, Ahmetoğlu stated that in 1983, Greece illegally removed the signboard of the union and the process was initiated for its closure.
Stating that as an adminitstration board they applied to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in 2005, and that they won the case in 2008, Ahmetoğlu said "The Enforcement Office continues its pressures and calls for the implementation of this judgement. '15 years have passed, it is entering the 16th year, why don't you implement these judgements? This time, Greece responds by saying 'We will establish a commission of experts to investigate the applicability of this decision'.
15 years have passed, a commission has been formed. It may be another 15 years after the commission starts working. I was 10 years old when this process started, now I am 51 years old. I hope that Greece will show the will to implement the ECtHR judgements and eliminate this injustice that has lasted for years until my retirement."
Ahmetoğlu stated that XTU has been in actual activity, but it has not been recognised as a legal association for years and that it has been struggling against this.
Noting that the victimisation and discrimination experienced by all minority associations with the word Turkish in their names for years is based on the Greek state's denial of the national identity of the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace, Ahmetoğlu said that this policy has caused very serious problems and discrimination in the region.
Stating that Greece denies the existence of the Turkish minority and violates human rights, Ahmetoğlu emphasised that they will continue their struggle for their rights.
XTU Legal Advisor lawyer Ahmet Kara gave information about the 22-year domestic legal struggle and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) process. Kara stated that the struggle started in 1983 with the removal of the signboard and that a process lasted for years.
Explaining the stages of the legal struggle in detail, Kara emphasised that Greece has to implement this decision. Ahmet Kara also analysed the reasons and the importance of the ECtHR's decision on XTU announced in 2008. Lawyer Kara said that despite all the warnings and calls of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe and the Executive Chamber, Greece has not implemented the ECtHR judgements on XTU and other Turkish minority associations.
After the event, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Kelağa Ahmet, Director of the Balkan Research Institute, presented a certificate of participation to the panelists Ozan Ahmetoğlu and Ahmet Kara. Xanthi Turkish Union President Ozan Ahmetoğlu also presented a painting to İbrahim Kelağa Ahmet.
The panel was attended by academicians and students from Western Thrace studying at the University of Thrace.