ROİSDER: "Cultural genocide is practiced on the islands"

Tue, 22 Feb 2022 19:14 GMT
Rhodes, Kos, and Dodecanese Turks Culture and Solidarity Association (ROİSDER) President Prof. Dr. Kaymakçı announced that there was a cultural genocide on the islands. In a statement, the head of ROİSDER emphasized that the report of the Greek Ministry o...
ROİSDER: "Cultural genocide is practiced on the islands"

Rhodes, Kos, and Dodecanese Turks Culture and Solidarity Association (ROİSDER) President Prof. Dr. Kaymakçı announced that there was a cultural genocide on the islands.

In a statement, the head of ROİSDER emphasized that the report of the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs regarding the attacks on places of worship and regulations against religious communities in 2020 does not reflect the truth, is far from objectivity, is inaccurate, and is intended to mislead the world public opinion.

Following his statement, the President informed the public about the current situation of mosques and places of worship in Rhodes and Kos. Prof. Dr. Kaymakçı states the following in his statement on the subject on behalf of the association's management:


The Turks of Rhodes, Kos, and Dodecanese have many problems on the basis of bilingualism, such as the right to learn Turkish and freedom of worship, the protection and restoration of cultural artifacts from the Ottoman Turks, the restriction of Turkish identity and organization. İn short, cultural genocide is being practiced on the islands.

Among these problems, freedom of worship is one of the prominent issues in recent years. Mosques and masjids, where freedom of worship is exercised, are in the process of demolition.  The Turks of the islands do not have the right to appoint their own imams.

In this context, the "Report of the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs on attacks on places of worship and regulations against religious communities in 2020" is far from objectivity. It is erroneous and has been written to mislead the world's public opinion.

The report states that there are 7 (seven) historical mosques in Rhodes and one mosque is open for worship every day. According to our findings, the status of our mosques is as follows:

İbrahim Pasha Mosque: İbrahim Pasha Mosque is not open for five daily prayers.

Suleymaniye Mosque: Suleymaniye Mosque, which is reported to be in a state of worship, is closed to worship and visit. In the report, the visitable information is also not correct.

Ağa Mosque: Although the report states that the mosque can be opened for worship, it is closed to worship.

Recep Pasha Mosque: The report states that the restoration of the mosque was started in 1988 and that it was somehow completed even though it has been 32 years.

Sultan Mustafa Mosque: It is in ruins and closed to worship.

Tireli Hamza Bey Mosque: It is in ruins and is closed to worship.

Şadırvan (Sinan Paşa/Çarşı) Mosque: It is in ruins and is closed to worship.

Murat Reis's Tomb (Tomb) in the Murat Reis Complex: The mosques and tombs inside the complex are in the demolition stage.

Stones were broken in half of the cemetery. Its appearance from the outside is deplorable.

Kos Places of Worship:

Since the earthquake of 2017, there has not been a single mosque open to worship in Kos.

For the worship of Muslim Turks in Kos, only in Germe (Platani) Village, a "worship room" belonging to the Foundation building has been allocated, and it is used for worship at the discretion of the appointed imam, during time and during Eid prayers.

Cezayirli (Algerian) Gazi Hasan Pasha Mosque: It is in ruins and is closed to worship.

Defterdar (İbrahim Efendi) Mosque: It is in ruins and closed to worship.

Moruk Mosque: It is in ruins and is closed to worship.

Atik Mosque: It is in ruins and closed to worship.


On the other hand, the boards of directors of foundations established to protect mosques and other cultural heritage are directly appointed by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.

The management rights of the foundations inherited from the ancestors of the community are taken away and it is not possible for the community to determine their imams.

In summary, the mosques of Muslim Turks on the Greek island of Rhodes and Kos (Kos) are in destruction.

On the basis of bilingualism, they do not have Turkish education-learning rights, nor do they have freedom of worship.

Greece is in the process of carrying out a complete cultural genocide against Muslim Turks with the policies it implements in Rhodes and Kos Island.


Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kaymakci

Rhodes, Kos, and Dodecanese Turks Culture and Solidarity Association

On behalf of the Board of Directors:











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