European Hellenic Foundation (EHF) established in Brussels
The objectives of the European Hellenic Foundation are summarised as follows.
The EHF was founded to unite the Greek diaspora and to help strengthen and consolidate the dynamic presence of diaspora Hellenism in the decision-making centres of European states.
The EHF's goal is the preservation and promotion of Greek culture, the preservation and dissemination of the Greek language and Greek education for the Greek diaspora and every European citizen, the defence of the interests of Greeks in cooperation with European institutions.
Furthermore, as stated in the EHF announcement, efforts will also focus on revitalising and bringing to the fore the important role that these institutions have traditionally played for Greeks abroad.
Among other objectives, the European Hellenic Foundation will organise cultural events and various activities.
It will provide educational programmes, organise thematic days and symposia focusing on the Greek diaspora, as well as find resources to provide assistance to Greek institutions in Europe.
The aim of the European Hellenism Foundation will be to strengthen and promote relations between Greek and European citizens in the context of a culturally united Europe.
The Board of Directors consists of the following names:
President: Filippos Kotsaridis
Vice President: Dr Bakolas Dimitrios
Vice President: Donas Alexios
Secretary: Kansızoglou Paraskevi
Treasurer: Dr Goudoulas Thomas,
Member: Theodoridis Seta
Member: Kipas Athanasios
Substitute Member. Myriounis Vasilios.