SYRIZA Rodopi Provincial Organisation makes a statement on farmers' demands

As in many countries of Europe, farmers' protests continue throughout Greece. SYRIZA Party Rodopi Provincial Organisation made a statement on the problems experienced in the agricultural sector, the struggle of the farmers who are trying to make their voices heard to the government authorities and their demands.
Stating that the government should take some decisions on agricultural policies, the Provincial Organisation of Rodopi listed the demands related to the agricultural sector as follows
- Abolition of the Special Tax on diesel used in agriculture (Abolition of the Special Tax means that this amount will be reimbursed to farmers).
- Reduction of the tax (FPA) from 24 per cent to 6 per cent.
- Implementation of a ceiling of 7 cents per kilowatt hour for agricultural electricity.
- Subsidies for animal feed and fertiliser to cover price increases.
- Cap on the profit rates of import and supply companies.
- 100% compensation for ELGA, agricultural products and livestock.
- Compensation for equipment, plant and property affected by fire and floods. ELGA will remain public sector.
-Construction of flood control and irrigation projects in Thessaly.
- Redesign of the Common Agricultural Policy. It is not possible for the New Democracy Party to remove 240 million euros from basic support by discriminating between large and small producers.
- Regulation of farmers' debts so that agricultural land is not threatened by forced liquidation.