Rising in the shadow of Europe's ascendant right: FEP's landmark victory in the 2024 EP Elections
The Surge of the Right in Europe
In recent years, Europe has witnessed a notable surge in right-wing politics. Many authorities view this trend as a threat to the core values of Europe, potentially leading to its disintegration. The results of the 2024 European Parliament elections further substantiate this development.
In France, Le Pen's significant increase in voter support prompted the newly elected Macron to dissolve the assembly, while Belgium’s Prime Minister De Croo resigned following a defeat. These actions are seen as steps taken for the greater good of Europe. It is crucial to understand that the tension between the right and the left has always been a driving force for Europe's resilience. This dynamic has prevailed even during the most tumultuous periods, from the aftermath of the French Revolution to the defeat of Nazi Germany. The right, as a Western invention, cannot exist without the left, and vice versa; they are interdependent moteurs of political motion.
The Unique Position of FEP in Greek Politics
The success of the FEP Party in the Greek segment of the European Parliament elections warrants a nuanced interpretation. Firstly, positioning FEP within the traditional left-right spectrum is currently unfeasible. For FEP to align with such a spectrum, it must transcend its current focus on addressing its immediate concerns and appeal to the broader national electorate.
Presently, FEP is situated in a unique position, primarily advocating for cultural rights. Despite its distinct stance, FEP stands in opposition to mainstream right-wing ideologies in Greece, not by its own designation but by the perception of right-wing constituents. The mere prospect of FEP's participation in the elections has incited calls on social media for the party's dissolution and the expulsion of ethnic Turks to Türkiye. In addition to the imposition of an electoral threshold of 3% in order to prevent the FEP from entering the parliament, the very existence of the Party itself seems to cause discomfort in a significant part of the Greek society.
The Impact of FEP's Electoral Success
FEP's electoral presence guarantees its dominance in the Xanthi and Komotini prefectures, where the ethnic Turkish minority is concentrated. This suggests that the Party’s claims for ethnic, religious, linguistic, and educational rights are widely supported within the Minority. Essentially, this contradicts the mainstream right-wing official ideology, which prescribes certain 'beneficial' measures for the minority, measures that are evidently not perceived as such by the Minority itself. Thus, the necessity for an open dialogue becomes evident.
Comparison with Other Minority Movements
The Turkish minority in Western Thrace has pursued its rights through remarkably peaceful means compared to other indigenous people such as the Catalans, Bretons, Basques, or Corsicans. However, the fact that FEP’s status as the leading party in the region provokes calls for its dissolution indicates that the issue at hand is not about the methods employed but about the mere existence of the minority.
As mentioned earlier, the right and the left are each other’s moteurs. Applying this concept to the contemporary context, minority groups can carve out space for themselves even under the most dominant totalitarian regimes. Today, we live in a postmodern political era where the most right-wing factions contain elements of the left, and the most left-wing factions have aspects of the right.
FEP's Strategic Achievements
Thus, FEP's achievement of garnering an average of 60 votes from each prefecture outside its stronghold areas in Greece is a significant accomplishment, especially considering that the electoral map is predominantly blue. This success was not handed to FEP as a favor. The strategic nomination of Eugenia Natsoulidou, a prominent figure within the Macedonian minority, who managed to secure votes from various prefectures, including her own, demonstrates a well-calculated approach to navigating the current political landscape.
Concluding Reflections: The Contribution of Minority Rights to Modern Europe Amidst the Threat of the Far Right
In conclusion, it is essential to consider the perspective of French sociologist Alain Touraine, who posits the idea of "multiple modernities," suggesting that societies outside the Western sphere can contribute to the broader narrative of modernity. The FEP Party exemplifies this concept within Greece. As a social movement, FEP has shown its capability to navigate and respond to the prevailing conditions effectively. With continued astute strategic planning and adaptation to the political environment, FEP has the potential to further assert its role and expand its influence in the quest for minority rights and representation.