The protest action in front of Xanthi Turkish Minority Secondary School and High School continues
The action initiated by the school students, parents and cognates against the shift education practice imposed on the students of Xanthi Minority Secondary School and High School by the Directorate of Secondary Education continues with determination on its 2nd day.
The students boycotted the school on Monday 18 September and gathered in front of the school from the morning hours and blocked the entrance to the school. The students were supported by parents, cognates, elected Turkish Minority representatives and organisations.
The crowd gathered in front of the school and then marched with slogans. Nearly 2 thousand people participated in the protest march.
Ahmet Kara, the Chairman of the Council Committee, stated that the action would continue on Tuesday 19 September and invited everyone to gather in front of the school at 07.30 in the morning.
Mustafa Trampa, Mufti of Xanthi, gave his support with the statement "We continue the action" in his post on social media.
The Xanthi Minority Secondary School and High School Board of Councillors also posted a video of students laying a black wreath at the entrance of the building where the Xanthi Director of Secondary Education Malama Sidiropulu is stationed, with the following note "If they can understand what they are doing, if they have some emotion, the message of our students is very clear. YOU ARE DESTROYING THE MINORITY SECONDARY SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL OF Xanthi."