FEP Party starts from Şahin village
The Friendship, Equality and Peace Party (FEP), which is participating in the European Parliament elections, started its electoral activities on 25 April Thursday evening from the village of Şahin in Xanthi.
FEP Party President Çiğdem Asafoğlu, together with the MEP Candidates of the party, visited the village of Şahin in Xanthi, which gave record votes to the FEP Party in the previous elections.
The people of Şahin village, which is one of the pioneering and active villages in the social and political history of Western Thrace Turks, stated that they will once again give full support to the FEP Party.
FEP Party President Çiğdem Asafoğlu and his entourage held a consultation meeting with the notables and politicians of Şahin village at Karaca Ayşe Cultural Centre.
After the meeting, the delegation visited the village coffee houses and tradesmen and met with the intense interest of Turks Şahin.
In the statement made by the FEP Party regarding the visit to Şahin, "We started our European Parliament election activities in Şahin village of Xanthi this evening. We would like to thank the people of Şahin for their great support. Under the roof of the FEP Party, we will come together once again and shout that WE ARE HERE!"