Letter containing racist death threat to Turkish association in Germany

In Neuss, Germany, a racist letter with death threats was sent to the Turkish Cultural Center affiliated to the Turkish Federation.
Neuss Turkish Cultural Center President Tansel Çiftçi said in a statement to the AA correspondent that they were the target of racists for the second time in two weeks, and that both its members and the Turks living in their cities faced the events with fear and anxiety.
Çiftçi said, "A letter came in the mail today. The letter, which was sent with a swastika and signed NSU 2.0, contains racist statements such as 'We will burn down your mosques and kill you Turks'.
Two weeks ago, the windows of our building were broken in the attack on our association.
Due to the frequency of these events, our members and those living around began to feel uneasy and unsecure.
"We call the authorities to catch those responsible and take the necessary punishment," he said.
Emphasizing that they are living in the middle of Europe by receiving death threats and this is unacceptable, Çiftçi noted that the police, to whom they filed a criminal complaint, started an investigation into the incidents.