Xanthi Turkish Union organises "CULTURE - ART FESTIVAL" in GENCERLI village

Western Thrace
Thu, 30 May 2024 9:22 GMT
Xanthi Turkish Union is organising a "CULTURE - ART FESTIVAL" on Saturday, 1 June 2024.
Xanthi Turkish Union organises "CULTURE - ART FESTIVAL" in GENCERLI village

The event will take place in the village of GENCERLI in the lowland region of Xanthi and will start at 17:30.

On Saturday, 1 June 2024, the year-end exhibitions of the Xanthi Turkish Union's Needlework - Sewing - Embroidery and Handicrafts Courses will be held, and the courses and working groups of the Union will present performances. This year's exhibition will also include the traditional embroidered grepler section specific to the Xanthi region.

In the Culture and Art Festival to be organised by ITB, "Traditional Plains Region Wedding" will also be performed by Biçki - Sewing - Embroidery and Handicrafts Courses.

In addition to the year-end exhibitions of handicraft courses, there will be live performances of ITB music courses, performances of ITB Folk Dance Teams and a concert by ITB Turkish Art Music Choir. Students will be presented with commemorative certificates.

Women from Gencerli village, Gencerli Football Team, Xanthi Turkish Union Youth Branch and Women's Branch will offer food and drinks.

In the statement made, it was reported that all our people were invited to the event.

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Address: Miaouli 7-9, Xanthi 67100, GREECE.
Tel: +30 25410 77968.
Email: info@milletgazetesi.gr.