WTMUGA President Baltaci: "Their goal is to close Turkish schools completely"
Western Thrace
Thu, 20 Jul 2023 15:07 GMT
WTMUGA President Hüseyin Baltacı reacted against the closure of 9 Turkish Minority primary schools in Western Thrace by the Ministry of Education

Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association (WTMUGA) President Dr. Hüseyin Baltacı reacted strongly to the decision of the Ministry of Education to close 9 Turkish Minority primary schools in Western Thrace.
Making a statement on social media, Dr Baltacı drew attention to the building problem of Xanthi Minority Secondary School and High School and said "The Ministry of Education is closing 9 schools instead of building schools!".
President of the Association Hüseyin Baltacı said in his post, "The Greek Ministry of Education is mercilessly attacking the Turkish students of Western Thrace! Instead of building schools, it is closing 9 of our schools! Their goal is to close all Turkish schools!"