Western Thracian Turks met at hidrellez events in Güney Meriç

Western Thrace
Mon, 8 May 2023 9:44 GMT
The Southern Meriç (Evros) Hıdırellez and Spring Festivals, which have been traditionally celebrated in Western Thrace for years, took place on May 6-7 this year.
Western Thracian Turks met at hidrellez events in Güney Meriç

The Southern Meriç (Evros) Hıdırellez and Spring Festivals, which have been traditionally celebrated in Western Thrace for years, took place on May 6-7 this year.

The arrival of spring in Western Thrace is celebrated with hidrellez events. One of the regions where the celebrations take place is the Southern Meriç region. Celebrations are held in Musaköy.

The Southern Meriç (Evros) Education and Culture Association of the Western Thrace Minority, which brings together the cognates living in the region under the same roof, and the people of the region, have been celebrating the arrival of spring with events for years.

The management of the association held the events organized under the name of “Güney Meriç Hıdrellez and Spring Festivals” on 6-7 May this year.

The events started with protocol speeches on Saturday, May 6th.

At the opening of the events, Hüseyin Mahmut, President of the Southern Meriç Education and Culture Association of the Western Thrace Minority, and Burak Adil, Head of the FEP Party Youth Branch, made speeches. Speakers celebrated the Hıdırellez day of the compatriots and wished them well.

Ebru works prepared by Berna Mustafaoğlu's students were exhibited at the events.
The performance of the Southern Meriç Association and Dinkler Association folk dance teams was admired.

The students who participated in the studies carried out under the umbrella of the association took the stage and exhibited different sketches that delighted the participants.

At the end of the activity program of the first day, certificates of achievement were presented to the students of marbling art.

The second day program of traditional activities continued with a free picnic in Palamutluk region near Musaköy and was completed with a traditional Turkish folk music concert.

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