Watermelon project was completed successfully
The watermelon project, pioneered by the Agriculture and Livestock Research Institute, was completed.
The explanation from the Institute on the subject is as follows:
“F1 In the watermelon project, which has been pioneered since last winter and has offered consultancy in every field, the Agriculture-Livestock Research Institute has successfully carried out studies such as education in the field of watermelon, soil analysis, seedling supply (Melina F1 type), production planning, fertilization program and production monitoring and control. With the controls performed, interventions were carried out where necessary in the production stage and the pesticides were applied. Harvests were made from the beginning of July until the end of August and prior to all shipments, the Institute experts carried out final quality checks on the products. Last but not least, the institute send the way in the sales and shipments of more than 100 tons of harvests made in August and allowed the producers to be paid in advance from the agreed customers.
Under the leadership of the institute, it is planned to organize producers under the framework of the cooperative, to expand the production of watermelon in the coming year and to realize different productions.
The Agriculture - Livestock Research Institute continues to support Western Thrace farmers in the field of agriculture and livestock.”