Two sampling points for rapid test this week in Xanthi

The Municipality of Xanthi, in cooperation with the EODY, continues the free rapid test for the rapid detection of COVID-19, which aims to prevent the spread of the disease and protect the health of the general population.
Mass sampling in Xanthi will be carried out:
From Monday 20 to Friday 24 May 2024
-At the Health Centre of the Municipality of Xanthi - ISOBOX (former IKA), from 08:00 to 14:00
-At the Wooden House (former DEYAX), from 8:30 to 14:00
Citizens arrive knowing their personal Social Security Number (AMKA) and having, necessarily, their identity card.
Prerequisites for checking minors are the presence of one of their parents/guardians; otherwise, they must present a guardian's declaration either from the Single Digital Portal ( or a handwritten certified declaration or a referral from their school.
It is recalled that all citizens are entitled to a free test at public covid-19 diagnostic facilities, while a certificate is issued only for vaccinated persons.