The Regional Governor of EMT chairs the Energy Environment and Climate Crisis Committee of the ENPE

The President of the Committee is the Regional Governor of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Mr. Christodoulos Topsidis and the first meeting was a meeting of the members to get to know each other, but during the meeting the framework of the Committee's action from now on was established.
"It is important to have a strong presence and contribute substantially to the drafting of bills concerning the climate crisis and the management of its consequences", Mr. Topsidis stressed, noting that the consequences of the climate crisis are already visible and have affected the natural environment and its functioning not only in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, but also throughout the country.
At the same time, the Regional Governor of EMT stressed that the main objective of the regions, but also of the general planning of climate crisis management should focus primarily on the area of prevention "as what is affected, hardly returns to its previous form".
During the meeting, the need for open channels between the Regions and the Ministries, so that their decisions move in the same direction, was also stressed, as well as the need to draw up a spatial plan for RES.
The Environment, Energy and Climate Crisis Committee of ENPE consists of:
President: Topsis Christodoulos (Regional Governor of East Macedonia & Thrace)
Vice President: Giakoumatou Evina (Deputy Head of Industry, Energy & Natural Resources of Attica)
Secretary: Bletsas Stylianos (Deputy Head of Sustainable Development, Energy, Spatial Planning and Environment of Western Greece)
Member: Mitrakas Theodoros (President of the Regional Council of Central Macedonia)
Member: Adamopoulos Anastasios (Deputy Head of Energy, Environment and Circular Economy of Peloponnese)
Member: Ioannou Spyridon (Deputy Head of Spatial Planning, Environment & Climate Change of Ionian Islands)
Member: Lyssaridis Nikolaos (Deputy Head of Entrepreneurship & Transport of Western Macedonia)
Member: Kassimis Christos (Regional Advisor of Attica)