“One Woman, One Story” workshop in Pristina

Western Thrace
Mon, 20 Jun 2022 10:22 GMT
The workshop on “One Woman, One Story” started last year in New Pazar by the Skopje ZOR Association with the support of the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) continued in Pristina this year. The life and success stories of 14 successful w...
“One Woman, One Story” workshop in Pristina

The workshop on “One Woman, One Story” started last year in New Pazar by the Skopje ZOR Association with the support of the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) continued in Pristina this year.

The life and success stories of 14 successful women from Western Thrace, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Sanjak region were included in the workshop on “One Woman is a Story” organized by the ZOR Association of Skopje in cooperation with the Women's Branch of the “Real” Culture, Art and Sports Association in Pristina.

Organized with the support of the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA), the workshop was held in Pristina, the capital of Kosovo, on Friday, 17 June.

Hülya Emin, Owner and Editor-in-Chief of GÜNDEM Newspaper, who is among the 14 women, shared her life story in her speech at the convention.

Gülcan Mümin, who took part in the workshop on behalf of the Western Thrace Minority Graduates Association, told the success story of Çiğdem Asafoğlu, Chairman of the Friendship Equality Peace Party, who could not attend the meeting.

In the workshop, the life story of retired teacher from Western Thrace Emine Tahsin was also read.


After the opening and greeting speeches, 14 women told their success stories.

Hülya Emin, Owner and Editor-in-Chief of Gündem Newspaper from Western Thrace, Çiğdem Asafoğlu, Chairman of the Friendship Equality Peace Party, and retired teacher and politician Emine Tahsin attended the ceremony.

Retired lecturer from North Macedonia, Prof. Dr. Smiler Kasapi, North Macedonian Ambassador to Pristina Şpresa Jusufi, Vildan Kerim, one of the first Turkish bankers; “Ukshin Hoti” from Kosovo, Prizren University - Faculty of Education Head of Turkish Programs Department Assoc. Dr. Elsev Brina Lopar, Faculty of Theology faculty member and activist Besa İsmaili Ahmeti, Turkish Language and Literature Professor and sworn translator Gülten Nobırda, Lady Association President Sanija Murati, vocalist Necmiye Pagaruşa; From Yeni Pazar, the life stories of Bosniak National Council President Jasmina Curic, retired economist Bisera Şeçeragiç and writer and activist Şefka Begovic Liçina were included.

The workshop, which featured unique stories, ended with the presentation of participation certificates.

As last year, the life stories of the women who took part in the workshop will be published in Turkish and Albanian by Yeni Balkan Publishing House.

The women participating in the workshop visited the mausoleum of Ottoman Sultan Murad I Hüdavendigar in Mazgit village of Pristina and the city of Prizren, where Turks live heavily, on Saturday, June 18th.

Source: Gundem


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