Meschede Western Thrace Turks Solidarity and Assistance Association elected its new management
Member of the Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF) Meschede Western Thrace Turks Solidarity and Assistance Association held its ordinary general assembly on Sunday 18 February.
As a result of the elections held in the general assembly, the new management and supervisory boards to serve for the next two years were determined.
Chairman: Tuncay Kara Çoban Mehmet
Vice President: Şerif Şerif
Secretary: İbram İbram, Veysel Bekir Mehmet
Cashier: Gökhan Palatin
Treasurer: Bülent Çolak
Association Officers: Gökhan İsmail, Sami Emrullah
Public Relations Officers: Turgut Muezzin, Hayrettin İsmail
Deputy Responsible Officers of the Association: Mümün Recep, Mustafa Mustafa
Assistant Cashier: İrfan Keke
Kazım Kazım
İrfan Keke
Aydın Ahmet