Great success from Turkish Minority student
Messages supporting peace against war and racism were given on the occasion of 9th May Europe Day, in the painting exhibition held in Komotini.
On the occasion of 9 May Europe Day an event was held in Komotini. In the painting exhibition, the students gave important messages. "NO" to war, racism and "YES" to peace with their paintings.
With the initiative of the European Parliament (EP) and the framework of Europe Day, the "Schools-European Parliament Ambassadors" program started in 2016.
The main aim of the program is to improve the education of young people studying in schools on European parliamentarism, the values of political democracy in Europe and the role and functioning of the European Parliament, which represents European citizens.
The program is linked to the goal of increasing the participation of European citizens in the European Parliament Elections.
The program aims to gradually learn the fundamentals of the European Union (what it is, what it does, how it affects our daily life and the world around us) and European institutions (who they are, what they represent, what their role is).
Through the various events, the participants are able to meet as European citizens, but also as employees, self-employed, students, researchers, etc. They have the opportunity to learn about some of the key EU policies, legal procedures, rights and opportunities.
The program is supported by the Presidency of the European Parliament. It is also implemented with the approval and support of the Greek Parliament and the Greek Ministry of Education.
Students from different schools participate in the activities organized within the scope of Europe Day. Students from different classes attended the events at the Celal Bayar Minority Secondary and High School in Komotini.
Ceren Ahmet's painting work, which is a high school student at the Komotini Celal Bayar Minority Secondary and High School, participated in the painting exhibition organized as part of the events. Messages against racism and war were given and peace supported.
Ceren Ahmet's work was selected in the 2022 Greece Inter-School Painting Competition organized by the Greek Children's Parliament in cooperation with the 2023 European Culture President ELEVS.
The opening of the painting exhibition featuring outstanding paintings was held on May 7, 2022 in Elefsina. The outstanding work of Ceren Ahmet, which was sent to the Children's Gallery in Greece and won great acclaim, will decorate the program's special album.
The program about painting works with peace messages took place between 23 Mar and 15 April.
The works were evaluated in five different categories (expression, imagination, innovation, aesthetics, and technique) by the Greek Children's Parliament Artists Commission.
Ceren Ahmet was highly appreciated in major categories and was archived in the Greece Children's Gallery files for the year 2022.