Another request for a firefighting unit in Miki

Western Thrace
Wed, 5 Apr 2023 5:40 GMT
Deputy Speaker of the General Assembly of EMT Region, İrfan Hacıgene once again brought up the lack of fire department in Mustafaçova (Miki) municipality.
Another request for a firefighting unit in Miki

Deputy Speaker of the General Assembly of EMT Region, İrfan Hacıgene once again brought up the lack of fire department in Mustafaçova (Miki) municipality.

Eastern Macedonia Thrace State Assembly Member and Deputy Speaker İrfan Hacıgene brought up the lack of a fire department in the municipality of Mustafçova (Miki).

In a statement released on the burning of a workplace in Şahin (Echinos) village on Sunday, April 2, Hacıgene drew attention to the lack of a fire department in the region. Stating that the citizens of Şahin extinguished the fire with their own means until the fire brigade arrived, Hacıgene emphasized that he had been trying to keep the issue on the agenda for 15 years.

İrfan Hacıgene, who noted that the fire that occurred once again revealed what kind of danger the people residing in the region are facing and said, “The fire truck from Xanthi was not late. However, as everyone knows, the distance between Xanthi and Şahin is a very long distance, especially in emergencies.

The time has come for the municipality of Mustafçova (Miki) to demand a fire department together. I call on everyone who has supposedly shown an interest in the people of this region to support our request for a firefighting unit. People's safety is not a matter of parties or different colors." used the phrases.

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