Universities in Türkiye to start after 2 October
At the request of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) has asked universities across Türkiye to postpone this year's opening dates until 2 October at the earliest. Although no official announcement has been made yet, universities have started to move in this direction and have started to revise their academic calendars.
One of the main reasons for this decision is the effects of the earthquake last February. After the earthquake, many earthquake victims were placed in the dormitories of the Credit and Dormitories Institution (KYK). For this reason, part of the last semester continued online. This period in which earthquake victims were housed in dormitories has ended, but the maintenance, repair and preparation works of the dormitories have not yet been completed. At the same time, the reports of the earthquake resistance tests conducted in the dormitories have not yet been finalised.
While the health and safety of students are prioritised, ensuring the safety of dormitories against earthquakes is of great importance. For these reasons, the opening dates of universities have been postponed in order to provide education to students in better conditions and to ensure their safety.
In addition, it was stated that students studying in departments such as Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry will start their education on an exceptional date.