The 102nd anniversary of the Türkiye-Greece population exchange remembrance held in Bursa

In Bursa, an event was held to commemorate the 102nd anniversary of the Türkiye-Greece population exchange. The program introduced the culture of exchange, featuring exhibitions, gastronomic presentations, and documentary screenings.
According to a statement from Mudanya Municipality, the program was organized in collaboration with the municipality and various exchange associations under the theme "The Day We Were Separated Together." An exhibition showcasing Crete lace and textiles was opened during the event.
Visitors to the exhibition were introduced to Crete’s culinary culture by the exchange associations, who also offered Crete dishes for tasting.
During the program, the 2nd Mudanya Diplomacy Workshop, organized in cooperation with Mudanya Municipality and the Diplomacy Research Association, took place. During this workshop, letters written by the descendants of the exchanged families to their ancestors were read aloud.
Additionally, Prof. Dr. Ersen Varlı from Uludağ University State Conservatory, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nicos Andrikos, and Prof. Dr. Özlem Doğuş Varlı performed exchange songs during the event.
A documentary titled “Broken” by directors Orhan and Nurdan Tekeoğlu, which reflects the painful traces of the population exchange, was screened. The documentary, which sheds light on the shared history between Türkiye and Greece, brought emotional moments to the audience.
"Cultural Heritage of Migration Panel"
A panel titled "Cultural Heritage of Migration", moderated by Baran Güneş, Deputy Mayor of Mudanya, was held. The panel featured discussions by Prof. Dr. Fahriye Emgili from Mersin University, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hakan Yücel from Galatasaray University, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kader Özlem, Vice President of the Diplomacy Research Association, and Zehra Denizaslanı, a grandchild of a migrant. They discussed the effects of migration, its societal impact, and its influence on food and music.
In a statement during the panel, Mudanya Mayor Deniz Dalgıç mentioned that the representatives of the exchange associations had gifted him a pine sapling in appreciation, which they plant annually in memory of their ancestors. He also stated, "We know where we will plant the sapling. We hope to announce it soon. We will plant it in the garden of the Migration Museum."
The panel was attended by Osmangazi Mayor Erkan Aydın, CHP District President Furkan Atalay, Zehra Nur Biricik from GİRİTYA Mudanya Crete and Yanya Culture and Solidarity Association, Hüseyin Türker, President of Mudanya Lausanne Exchanged Citizens Association, Cumhur Aksan, Representative of Lausanne Exchanged Citizens Foundation, representatives of the exchange associations, and citizens.