Germany has highest, Brazil least number of voters for Türkiye's May 14 elections
In countries where ballot boxes are set, Germany has the most Turkish voters, and Brazil has the least for Türkiye's presidential and parliamentary elections.
Turkish citizens living abroad will cast ballots in 156 representative offices in 73 countries for May 14 elections.
The voting will start Thursday at the customs gates where ballot boxes are set without an appointment for the process. Voting at representative offices will end on May 9, and at the customs gates on May 14.
There are over 3.4 million registered voters abroad. The number of voters who will cast their votes abroad for the first time is 277,646. For these voters, 4,671 ballot box committees were formed at the customs.
For the first time this year, Türkiye's Supreme Election Council will establish ballot boxes in Belarus, Brazil, Estonia, Morocco, Montenegro, South Korea, Libya, Lithuania, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Portugal, Slovakia, and Tanzania.
Over 1.5 million voters will go to polls in 26 representative offices in Germany, followed by France with 397,086 voters in nine representative offices, and the Netherlands with 286,753 registered voters.
In the US, more than 134,000 voters will cast their votes in nine representative offices.
According to the data of the Supreme Election Council, the country with the least number of Turkish voters is Brazil with 581, followed by Nigeria with 584.
In case none of the candidates secures more than 50% of the vote, balloting will be held for a possible runoff, set for May 28, on May 20-24 at the specified representative offices.
Voting is scheduled to start at 8 a.m. local time (0500GMT) and end by 5 p.m. (1400GMT) on May 14 in Türkiye.