SYRIZA’s objections for the privatization of water

SYRIZA press office announced that the government's moves to privatize water are wrong and they are against it as a party.
The press release is as follows:
"The government of New Democracy shortly before withdrawing from the governance of the country sells off public property. With a multi-bill that has been brought to the Parliament for a vote, it bypasses the constitutional imperatives and ignores most of the judicial decisions of the CoE to maintain public control, in a social good such as water, despite the reactions from institutional bodies and workers.
Having already had the painful experience of selling out PPC to private individuals, we know that the privatization of the country's water resources will only bring about an increase in prices and the obsolescence of infrastructure. Just a few days ago we experienced the results of these policies, in the railways, where the neoliberal choices of discrediting, collapsing and deconstructing the OSE cost human lives.
Privatization of water is a practice that has been tried both in the European and the global space. The experience we have gained from these policies is only negative and to the detriment of the people. That is why water was re-nationalized in most countries as the tragic consequences were seen in a short period of time.
Water is a public good and the state has the obligation to provide it to all citizens without exception, above and beyond any logic of profit.
At the same time, the Mitsotakis administration is taking over waste management from the Municipalities, who had years of management and know-how, also handing it over to private individuals.
It is noted that the counter-reform of the creation of a Water and Waste Regulatory Authority was also introduced during the memorandum period under the SYRIZA government. Despite the particularly difficult conditions and the tight budget, the SYRIZA government managed to undo it in 2016, defending and ensuring both the adequacy as well as the quality of water as a public, social good while proving in practice that everyone is not the same.
We call on the government to immediately withdraw the controversial bill, to ensure access of all citizens to basic goods, such as water, to protect and strengthen the role and operation of Municipal Water Supply Companies, to strengthen Municipalities with managerial capacity for management waste.
Finally, it is emphasized that SYRIZA is committed as a government to ensure the public character of water and waste management."