Poll: Inflation, Crime, Natural Disaster Reax Emerge as Govt’s ‘Weak Points’

Mon, 25 Dec 2023 7:10 GMT
Better marks given for tourism, digitization of state services, defense and its handling of bilateral relations with Turkey.
Poll: Inflation, Crime, Natural Disaster Reax Emerge as Govt’s ‘Weak Points’

Better marks given for tourism, digitization of state services, defense and its handling of bilateral relations with Turkey.

Continuing dissatisfaction is detected in Greek society this month, albeit less than in September, according to results of a Metron Analysis opinion poll presented on Thursday during the prime-time newscast of Athens-based Mega Channel.

The slight improvement in public opinion sentiment emanates from more respondents in the poll this month saying “things are moving in the right direction”. Overall, however, negative sentiments exceed positive ones.

Respondents’ biggest concerns are over inflation, crime and the government’s response to natural disasters, as well as issues dealing with corruption. The center-right Mitsotakis government is given mostly negative marks in relation to managing the latter problems.

Conversely, it is given better marks for tourism, digitization of state services, defense and its handling of bilateral relations with Turkey. Specifically, 45% of respondents said the government’s handling of Greek-Turkish relations was positive, compared to 31% giving a negative view.

At the same time, public opinion appears unforgiving in its assessment of the government’s actions vis-a-vis irregular migration, with positive assessments at a mere 26%, compared to 57% expressing a negative view.

The greatest dissatisfaction was expressed in terms of combating crime and inflation.


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