General call from Greeks abroad for the lifting of restrictions on their voting rights

The government's decision to remove current restrictions that prevent Greeks abroad from voting in Greece's elections from their country of residence, through a bill of the Interior Ministry, has mobilised Greek expatriates to make further proposals.
The Forum of the presidents of secondary organisations of the USA, in an open letter, called on the members of the Greek Parliament to remove all restrictions in the laws that still prevent them from participating in the elections without returning to Greece, while the letter also includes a request to allow postal votes.
The letter was forwarded to Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the President of the Hellenic Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou, Interior Minister Niki Kerameus and the leaders of the parties participating in the new Parliament.
According to expatriate websites, around 600,000 Greeks abroad from every corner of the world responded to the call, as well as dozens of expatriate communities and organisations.