EU delegation: Democracy and human rights under pressure in Greece

Thu, 9 Mar 2023 8:47 GMT
The delegation of the Civil Liberties Committee (LIBE) affiliated to the European Union (EU) recommended increasing the initiatives that will contribute to transparency in the country.
EU delegation: Democracy and human rights under pressure in Greece

The delegation of the Civil Liberties Committee (LIBE), affiliated to the European Union (EU), which was in contacts in Greece, recommended increasing the initiatives that will contribute to transparency in the country.

The delegation, which came to Greece at the beginning of the week, held a press conference after meeting with representatives of non-governmental organizations and journalists.

Delegation Head Sophie in't Veld made a statement here, reading a message of condolence in Greek for those who lost their lives in the train accident in Greece last week, and expressed the EU's support for the Greek people.

Stating that the delegation was to conduct investigations on issues such as the rule of law, democracy, and fundamental rights in Greece, as in the whole EU, Veld expressed his regret that officials such as Prime Minister Kiriakos Mitsotakis, cabinet members, and representatives of the police force were not available to meet with the delegation.

"Despite Greece having a strict institutional and legal framework, an active civil society and independent media, the delegation notes that there are serious threats to the rule of law and fundamental rights. The checks and balances necessary for democracy are under heavy pressure," Veld said.

Sophie in't Veld stated that journalists face intrusion into their private spaces through physical threats, verbal attacks and the use of spyware, adding, "The fact that media organizations belong to a small oligarchic group negatively affects media freedom and pluralism." said.

Veld stated that certain forms of behavior towards immigrants, including push-backs, violence, arbitrary detentions and the confiscation of their belongings at the country's external border and inside the country, are disturbing and said, "The restrictions on the reports and impressions of NGOs and journalists on the immigration problem should be lifted as soon as possible. All initiatives that contribute to transparency, such as the push-back reporting mechanism of the human rights commission, should be adopted and enhanced. he said.

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