Electricity prices jumped in Greece
Wed, 22 Jun 2022 7:00 GMT
Εlectricity prices jumped in Greece, moving in line with significant increase recorded in other European markets on Tuesday.
More specifically, Wednesday's electricity price in Greece rose to 312.67 euros/MWh, while in Germany the price was 323.34 euros...
Εlectricity prices jumped in Greece, moving in line with significant increase recorded in other European markets on Tuesday.
More specifically, Wednesday's electricity price in Greece rose to 312.67 euros/MWh, while in Germany the price was 323.34 euros, in France 383.14, in Italy 369.07 and in Austria 343.94 euros.
Traders attributed this development to concern over natural gas flows from Russia, while an expected heatwave in country is an additional factor pushing prices higher.