Cihat Yaycı: Greece violates the Treaty of Lausanne

Sat, 19 Aug 2023 15:54 GMT
Retired Rear Admiral Cihat Yaycı, the father of the Blue Homeland Doctrine, stated that Greece violated the terms of the Treaty of Lausanne.
Cihat Yaycı: Greece violates the Treaty of Lausanne

Retired Rear Admiral Cihat Yaycı stated that Greece violated the terms of the Treaty of Lausanne and said that the status of the Sea of Islands, where Ayvalık is located, was determined, but Greece violated the terms of the treaty with its lawless, expansionist goals.

Retired Rear Admiral Cihat Yaycı, one of the fathers of the Blue Homeland doctrine, stated that Greece violated the terms of the Treaty of Lausanne and said, "Especially in line with Articles 6, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 of Lausanne, the status in the Sea of Islands, where Ayvalık is located, was determined. However, as of the point we have reached, Greece, as usual, does not recognise law and treaty, and violates the terms of this treaty one by one within the framework of its expansionist and expansionist goals, despite the 30 August victory, the discarding of Sevres and the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne."

Cihat Yaycı made statements before his conference in Ayvalık.

During the years of the National Struggle; Cihat Yaycı explained that the Greek Army was almost destroyed as a result of the Battle of the Commander-in-Chief won by the founder of the state, Commander-in-Chief Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his comrades-in-arms, "Thus, the Treaty of Sevres was thrown into the trash and the Treaty of Lausanne was signed. Türkiye's security was tried to be guaranteed in Lausanne by taking into account the reasons that caused the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. As a result of this, especially in line with Articles 6, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 of Lausanne, the status in the Sea of Islands, where Ayvalık is located, was determined. However, as of the point we have reached, Greece, as always, violates the terms of this treaty one by one, despite the fact that the Treaty of Lausanne was signed and Sevres was thrown into the trash with the victory of 30 August within the framework of its expansionist and expansionist goals, which do not recognise law and treaty. In today's position, I will try to explain that lawlessness of Greece, its demands and the legal grounds Türkiye has in this panel. In addition to these, the point I am trying to put forward is that there are no problems between Türkiye and Greece. There are only the demands of Greece. I would like to underline this," he said.

In today's conjuncture, the security, economy and culture of states are intertwined with the seas, Cihat Yaycı argued, "In this respect, the maritime areas, which are foreseen to be declared more than half of Türkiye's land surface area, are extremely important in terms of Türkiye's security, economy, culture and all other dimensions, the rights and interests of the Turkish Nation. For this reason, it is extremely important to protect our rights and interests in the Sea of Islands in the Eastern Mediterranean, to protect our rights and interests in the Marmara and Black Sea, including some economic issues that the Montreux Convention has brought us, and to raise awareness of our people. I see that our people have become aware of the Blue Homeland. Being aware of our rights and interests, I salute with respect and affection the sensitivity of the Turkish people for their sensitivity on the Blue Homeland."

Cihat Yaycı argued that it was great that such an important organisation was organised in Ayvalık, where the 172nd Regiment led by Ali Çetinkaya fired the first bullet at the enemy during the War of Independence, and on a very important day such as the 30 August Victory Day, and said: "The firing of the first bullet in Ayvalık during the War of Independence is the most important indicator that the Turks opposed imperialism, that the Turkish Nation took a stance, and that they would not spare their lives to protect their homeland. Moreover, this first bullet was fired at the furthest point and border of the Turkish homeland. Therefore, Ayvalık is the first igniter and monument of the Turkish national stance and national struggle. In that respect, Ayvalık has been the torch of the Turkish National Struggle. In this respect, Ayvalık is also a torch of protecting the Blue Homeland. Hopefully, we will try to give messages that can further strengthen this torch from Ayvalık."

Cihat Yaycı argued that the Republic of Türkiye has become a regional playmaker and a global game-breaker state in the world by putting stone upon stone in a hundred years, "Therefore, it is no longer possible to threaten Türkiye and occupy Türkiye. The Turkish nation, together with its state, has the strongest structure in the world. For this reason, the Blue Homeland awareness has also reinforced this. Therefore, with its navy, nation, all armed forces, economy and diplomacy, the Republic of Türkiye has become one of the world's leading states. In this respect, it has travelled great distances in this century. May Allah be pleased with those who have travelled these distances." 


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